Turning old gold jewellery into new - the magic of remodelling

You may have jewellery that has been left to you in a will (also known as estate jewellery), from previous relationships, given to you by family members, gifts that you never really liked, or jewellery that you DID like but now don’t wear anymore.
Whatever the reason, you end up with gold jewellery sitting in your drawer gathering dust. What to do with it?

What's the difference between golds?
You’ve probably got at least a basic understanding of how the various carats of gold differ - the higher the carat, the better the quality of gold, right?
However, that certainly isn’t to say that you’d want to wear jewellery made exclusively of the purest gold. Why not?
Help! My rings suddenly don't fit!
Ever had that sinking feeling when you realise you can't get your rings off?
It can be a bit of a shock to wake up one morning and find that the same rings you’ve worn for years and years suddenly don’t fit.
Moonstones and more - Junes Birthstones
Those born in the month of June are spoiled for choice when it comes to gemstone jewellery, because the sixth month of the year is associated with three birthstones: pearl, moonstone and alexandrite.
Subtle and classy, the gentle, iridescent tones of these gemstones work well with many types of jewellery and complement just about any outfit. Best of all, with a range of price points to suit all budgets, there’s every reason to add a piece of June birthstone jewellery to your collection.
Platinum vs White Gold
Platinum has become an increasingly popular choice of metal for engagement rings and other types of jewellery in recent years - and it’s easy to see why. Dazzling in colour, contemporary in style and incredible durable, platinum ticks a lot of the boxes that many consumers are looking for in jewellery.
How can I measure my ring size at home?
Shopping online for clothes can be almost dangerously easy. You probably have a pretty good idea of what size you are and, in the event that you don’t, most retailers provide measurements or a handy sizing guide.

However, when it comes to jewellery - and rings in particular - it’s not quite so simple. In this blog we look at how you can work out what ring size you are to make online ring shopping easy peasy.
5 Places to Never Wear Your Silver Jewellery
Silver is pretty durable as far as precious metals go, but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s bulletproof. In fact, sterling silver jewellery has some unique vulnerabilities that make it particularly susceptible to damage and discolouration in certain environments.
My white gold is turning yellow! What's the deal?!
Contemporary and eye-catching, white gold has become a popular alternative to conventional yellow gold in recent years, especially for use in engagement rings. However, dazzling as it may be, it’s important to know that white gold does not stay that same gleaming white forever.
February Birthstone: Amethyst
The birthstone for February is amethyst, a gemstone that Leonardo da Vinci reportedly believed held the power to stimulate the mind, eliminate evil thoughts and elevate business acumen.

Take better care of your jewellery in just 8 steps


taking care of jewellery

February 2017

Keep your jewellery safe from harm with these 8 tips, read more>>>


Valentine's day cheat sheet for S/O’s who just can’t take a hint

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Does your partner need a little guidance when it comes to Valentine's Day? We've got just the thing.


What's the difference between a jeweller and a setter?

diamond  ring to set

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Ever wondered why most jewellers don't like to do their own setting? Answers inside! >>>

3 things to look out for when getting your jewellery valued


diamond ring

January 2017  

An in-depth look at the jewellery valuation process and a few things you should always keep in mind when getting your pieces appraised. Read more >>>

January's birthstone: Unravelling the meaning behind garnets

garnet earrings

garnet pendant

garnet ring

January 2017

Ah, January, the time for fresh starts, New Year’s resolutions and a very special gemstone. Read on to learn more about the history and mystical protective powers of January’s birthstone, garnet. Read more >>>

The bold and the bluetiful: December’s birthstones

PP346 turquoise filigree meditation pendant

EP219 blue topaz earrings N

Turquoise stud earrings

November 2016

Tanzanite, turquoise, zircon and blue topaz - oh my! Get the lowdown on December’s four - yes four - birthstones. Read more >>>

Sacred and Beautiful: Introducing the tree of life

tree of life pendant

Tree of life earrings

July 2016

Chic and spiritual, check out the true meaning behind our tree of life pieces. Read more >>>

What does koru jewellery symbolise?

koru pendant made in NZ

May 2016

The koru is a fundamental part of New Zealand art and culture. Find out how it inspires our jewellery. Read more >>>